CYXP - Pangnirtung Airport Info |
The information below is general, and NOT for specific flight planning purposes. Check CURRENT version of the Canada Flight Supplement to ensure accurate information. Here's a short You Tube video of the approach Here's an overhead view of the airport N66 08 42 W65 42 49; Magnetic Dev: 38 degrees W; Elevation: 79' VNC chart A5039; CAP published IFR approach Time: Eastern UTC -5 (-4 at daylight saving time) Runway: 06/24 (062/242 true); 2920ft x 100 ft gravel; first 600' rwy 06T up 1.45%, first 800' rwy 24T up 1.14% RCR from CARS (see Radio below) Operator: Government of Nunavut 1-867-897-3606 (office in Cape Dorset) Current METAR and TAF for CYXP Canadian Airport Maneovering Surface airport Chart CYXP Sample IFR approach information CAP1 (note this NOT current. It is for information purposes only, not for flight planning - it is a large PDF file containing IFR approach info for all airports in Nunavut, the Northwest Territories and Yukon). NavCanada on-line store for purchase of PDF versions of CAP1, VNC charts, and other publications. This airport is in Northern Domestic Airspace. Nav Canada publications no longer use the letter T following the runway headings to indicated degrees True. However, runway headings are in TRUE degrees in Northern Domestic Airspace. See here for Canadian Designated Airspace Handbook. Flight Planning and Weather: NOTAM file CYXP North Bay Flight Service Station: 1-866-WXBRIEF (1-866-992-7433) or 1-866-541-4109; Montreal Area Control Centre: 1 800-633-1353; local METAR available from CARS, limited hours. LWIS at other hours. Starting Nov 20/08, a TAF will be issued for Pangnirtung 14 – 23Z (DT 13-22Z) – Mon-Fri issue times 1340Z,18Z,17-20Z;(one hour eariler during Daylight Time months); 17 – 20Z (DT 16-19Z) – Sat issue time 1640Z (one hour earlier during Daylight Time months); 18 – 201Z (DT 17-190Z) – Sun, issue time 1740Z (one hour earlier during Daylight Time months). Fuel: Jet A-1, no AVGAS; 1-867-473-8936/8970; Hours 1300-2300Z M-F, 1400/2200Z Sat (one hour earlier during Daylight Saving Time months); excluding holidays; O/T call out charge other taimes after hours, prior notice required at 1-867-473-8936/8970 or 1-867-473-8235/8047. Credit card accepted. Credit by prior notice only contact 1-867-645-8400, allow 7 working days. Radio: MF 122.1 (5nm to 3100ASL), Airport Radio/CARS available 1200-2300Z M-F, 1500-200Z Sat; 1700-2100Z Sun; (one hour earlier during Daylight Saving Time months LWIS 125.1; CARS monitors 121.5 Emergency frequency. CARS phone number at Pangnirtung aiport 1-867-473-8907. NavAids: NDB - YXP 218 N66 08 38 W65 42 22 at aerodrome. Unmonitored when CARS closed. Lighting: 06/24 - strobes and threshold lighting, 3 intensities, ARCAL-122.1, type K Airport firefighting: None CANADA CUSTOMS: None SERVICES AT TERMINAL BUILDING: building open limited hours around commercial flight arrivals/departures while CARS is staffed. Payphone in building; Nursing station, RCMP, Hotel and store (limited hours) near the terminal. Hotel may be able to arrange rental vehicle with advance notice. Note: The Canada Flight Supplement offers this advice about flying to Pang: "Only pilots with considerable experience in the area should plan on using this airport due to surrounding terrain and variable local conditions. Severe turbulence may be encountered. Surrounding terrain may constitute a hazard to night flying. Runway edge lighting installed higher than standard (approximately 27 inches high located 5' outside runway edge). Pangnirtung flight arrival and departure information Pangnirtung Tourism and Accommodation Info Pangnirtung Google Earth Satellite View In 2003, Pat Healey and John Lohr made a trip up the east coast of Baffin Island en route to the Magnetic North Pole. Their trip report website has a large number of great pictures in the Pangnirtung, Qikiqtarjuaq, Clyde River and Pond Inlet areas. At left is one of many they took on a beautiful day flying through Auyuittuq National Park, between Pangnirtung and Clyde River.
Last Updated on Saturday, 22 December 2012 03:09 |