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     Bert Rose             ||||              Patrick Nagle      Bert Rose, and Patrick Nagle are former private pilots living in Iqaluit, Nunavut.  From 1993 to 2010, we owned a Cessna 172, based here in Iqaluit. We no longer own the plane, but we maintain an interest in general aviation in Nunavut.  And we're always happy to hear from pilots planning to fly small planes up this way.

Bert set up the original Polar Pilots website in the early 1990s. And thanks to the Wayback Machine, you can also view an archive of the 2nd Polar Pilots website, from September 1, 2007, just for old times' sake!

From 1993 to 2010, about a dozen private pilots were part of the Polar Pilots group.  Some have gone on to fly commercially, others continue to enjoy flying as a hobby. 

Over the years, we've also met dozens of pilots passing through Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada from all over the world.

We'd love to hear about your arctic flying adventure, past or future.  And we'd be happy to provide what information we can to help make your trip to Canada's Eastern Arctic successful.

Feel free to email us with your comments or questions.

Bert Rose:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Patrick Nagle: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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