Home Trip Reports and Visits Iqaluit CYFB - Iqaluit Airport Info

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The information below is general, and NOT for specific flight planning purposes. Check CURRENT version of the Canada Flight Supplement to ensure accurate information.  CYFB is located at Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada. The community was formerly known as Frobisher Bay.

Operator: Nunavut Airports. Iqaluit Airport Manager ph: 867 877-6060

N63 45 24 W68 33 22; Magnetic Variation: 25.41°W, Elevation: 110'; VNC chart A5033; CAP published IFR approach

Time: Eastern UTC -5 (-4 at daylight saving time)


Runway: 34/16 (mag); 8605ft x 200 ft asphalt; IFR; Runway 16 down 0.45%; RVR 1200 34/16 (1/4 sm; no vehicle control on taxiways C,D,E. No aircraft parking apron 2; NW corner of apron 3 designated for de-icing. Parking plan is in effect. Check apron advisory on 122.925 between 14 and 20Z.

Overhead view of the airport

Current METAR and TAF for CYFB

Sunrise and Sunset times

NavCanada on-line store for purchase of PDF/digital download versions of instrument approach info CAP1, VNC charts, and other publications.

This airport is NOT in Northern Domestic Airspace. See here for Canadian Designated Airspace Handbook.

NavCanada NOTAM site (NOTAM file CYFB and CZNB. Be sure to view ALL NOTAMS for Flight Information Region)

Official NavCanada Weather information site

Flight Planning and Weather:

Iqaluit Flight Service Station is operated 24/7/365.  For VFR flight planning and weather briefings, contact North Bay Flight Service Station; for IFR, Montreal Area Control Centre:

North Bay Flight Service Station: 1-866-WXBRIEF (1-866-992-7433) toll free in Canada or 1-866-541-4109 toll free in Canada and US.

Montreal Area Control Centre: 1 800-633-1353

On line flight planning and updating at NavCanada Collaborative Flight Planning System

METAR/TAF 24 hours; issued 00,06,12,18Z

Fuel:  Jet A-1 current price $1.2878/litre (Apr 17); 100LL (limited availability - full drums only see below);  Oil - check for availability.  Call Uqsuq Corporation at 867 979-2855 or 867 979-1620. Fax 867 979-1628. Callouts available during off hours, for a fee. They take most major credit cards.

100LL AVGAS is only available in full drums (205 litres/45 CDN gallons/54 US gallons). Current price is $318.06 (Apr 17).  You have to buy the full drum.  See What's New section for info on current drum count. AVGAS can be unavailable at times. Be sure to check NOTAMS and call the fuel agent (Uqsuq...see above).

Lighting:  strobes 34/16; centre row 34 non-standard 700 feet; threshold lighting 34/16; Iqaluit Radio operates runway lighting.

Radio: MF 122.2 (withing 5nm to 3100 ASL); 296.2; Iqaluit Radio. Iqaluit Flight Service Station phone (emergency ONLY 867 979-5865);  Flight informationservice enroute 123.275 ; RCO Arctic Radio 126.7 (brdcst), 5680; ACC Montreal Centre 134.55 (repeater); VDF 122.2; International: Gander Radio 126.9   2971  4675   8891  11279  NAT 'D' SELCAL

NavAids:  NDB-FROBAY YFY 204 (H) N63 44 00 W68 32 53; 025 deg, 1.4nm to A/D; VOR-FROBAY YFB 117.4 N63 44 30 W68 28 24 (394') 329 deg 2.4 nm to A/D

DME: IFB 109.9 Ch 36 N63 45 00 W68 32 39 (112') at aerodrome

ILS: IFB 109.9 (Rwy34) RVR

Airport firefighting:  YES (cat 5) 1300-2200Z (1200-2100Z during Daylight Saving Time months); call out fee at other times; 12 hour prior notice required.

Winter maintenance:  limited hours 1230-2130Z;  other times contact ATCO/FRONTEC  1-867-222-1037/1047 or 1-867-979-5801 (call out charge)

Procedures: Right hand circuits 16/left hand circuits 34; Flights requiring IFR transoceanic clearance must contact FSS 10 minutes prior to starting engines.  Heli refueling should land on apron.

CAUTION: Prominent terrain bordering runway; terrain can cause windsocks on runway to show different wind direction; possible large animals in the area (caribou); daily radiosonde balloon launches .25 nm west of threshold of 34 at 1115-1345Z and 2315-0145Z.

CANADA CUSTOMS:  1-888-226-7277; Operates 1400-2200Z (one hour earlier during Daylight time months) Monday through Friday; call out fee at other times; 1 hour prior notice. Through traffic should carry onward documentation to final destination in Europe or North America. AIRPORT OF ENTRY - maximum 15 passengers.

SERVICES AT TERMINAL BUILDING: small snack bar/gift shop, open limited hours around commercial flight arrivals (usually about 1100 to 1500ET);  Rental Cars - no on-site service, no national companies. Driving Force is the one vehicle rental company in Iqaluit. Free phones for 24 hour taxi service. Free phones for hotels, some provide free pick-up service, most have full service restaurants.

GROUND HANDLING: If you're making a quick stop for fuel at the airport and are looking for meals delivered to your plane, short tours, or other logistical assistance, Frobisher Bay Touchdown Services is a full service airside ground handling business.  They have a facility on the airport with a range of services for private aircraft passing through CYFB. FBO 123.35 Phone 867 979-6226 13-23Z Monday-Friday, Sat/Sun O/T 867 222-1202 1 hr Prior Notice

First Air provides aircraft ground handling and maintenance services for larger aircraft.  You can find out more at our FBOs and Charters

Here's a video of a clear weather GPS approach to Runway 16 CYFB

List of Iqaluit aviation radio frequencies.

Iqaluit Google Earth Satellite View

Iqaluit tourism, accommodation and other information

Iqaluit flight arrival and departure information .

Iqaluit chapter of Civil Air Search and Rescue Association on Facebook





Last Updated on Tuesday, 11 October 2022 11:00
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