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Polar Pilots Weblinks
A compendium of sites that don't fit the other categories!
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# Web Link Hits
1   Link   Aviation History in Dayton, OH
Here's a link suggested by Caroline with some neat info and links about the Wright Brothers pioneering work in aviation...
2   Link   George Erickson and The Tundra Cub
Aviator and author George Erickson shares photos from his arctic flying experiences, and information about his books.
3   Link   North Pole Adventures
Want to fly an Antonov to the North Pole?
4   Link   Wayback Machine
Ever wanted to find an old website, or perhaps an older version of an existing site? Try this!
5   Link   Polar Explorers
Another company that guides adventurers to the north pole.
6   Link   Air Photo Max
Mario Faubert is a Montreal-based pilot and aerial photographer.
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