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# Web Link Hits
1   Link   Tuktu and Nogak Project
The Tuktu and Nogak Project is a community driven effort to collect and share Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit or traditional ecological knowledge of caribou and calving areas in the Bathurst Inlet area of the Kitikmeot region of Nunavut, Canada.
2   Link   Gov't of Nunavut Wildlife Management
Government website with overview of wildlife management in Nunavut.
3   Link   Nunavut Tunngavik Lands and Resources
The Nunavut Inuit land claims organization site with detailed and maps of information land and resource activity in Nunavut.
4   Link   Nunavut-Canada Geoscience office
A joint venture between the Nunavut and Canadian governments to provide information for geological and energy projects in Nunavut. Site contains PDF maps of mineral areas and exploration, amongst other reports and information.
5   Link   Ittaq
Based in Clyde River, Nunavut, Ittaq supports a number of scientific and cultureal research projects.
6   Link   Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Canadian government department with responsibilities in water management, oil and gas, mining and minerals and other areas.
7   Link   Wolves of the High Arctic
A group of scientists are tracking high arctic wolves with radio collars on Ellesmere Island.
8   Link   Nunavut Wildlife Management Board
The organization mandated by the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement to oversee wildlife management in Nunavut.
9   Link   BQCMB
The Beverly and Qamanirjuaq Caribou Management Board is an aboriginal-led co-management group working to conserve the Beverly and Qamanirjuaq caribou herds.
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