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Canadian Coast Guard helicopter crash site found Print E-mail

TSB RecorderArcticNet and the Canadian Coast Guard have found and retrieved the wreck of a Coast Guard helicopter that crashed near Banks Island.  Working from the CCGS Amundsen, ArcticNet's remote controlled underwater vehicle found the wreck and photographed the site.  A couple of days later, they were able to bring the wreck to the surface to assist in the investigation into the cause of the crash.  CBC News has more here. The Transportation Safety Board also has information on their website.



Coast Guard helicoper recoveryCanadian Coast Guard Messerschmitt BO-105-S-CDN-BS-4 (C-GCFU) crashed in McClure Strait in the high arctic on Monday, September 9, 2013. CBC News has a story here. The helicopter was operating from the CCGS Amundsen, north of Banks Island.  It isn't clear what caused the crash.  Pilot Denis Dube, Amundsen Commanding Officer Marc Thibault, and scientist Klaus Hochheim all died.  The Canadian Transportation Safety Board is investigating.




Last Updated on Wednesday, 02 October 2013 09:44
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